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Two Main Electrolytic Water Technologies: ALK & PEM
Update time:2023.09.13
View count:104

Shanghai, China, Feb. 16th, 2023 Sincerelectric Co., Ltd. recently visited couple of Hydrogen production equipment manufacturers in Suzhou, China. In response to the call of the country, Sincerelectric decide to discover Hydrogen production equipment suppliers, including Alkaline Electrolysis (ALK) and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM).


In this factory tour, manufactures not only showed us their products both Alkaline Electrolysis (ALK) electrolyzer and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, and also explained the difference of these two hydrogen production technologies. Alkaline Electrolysis (ALK) is more mature technology than Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM), it has already been running for over 20 years. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) have more efficient, the input power of PEM can be directly connected to DC-DC for lossless hydrogen production. Therefore, solar energy system can be directly connected to PEM system without any energy consumption. On the other hands, with long response times of start-up and shutdown, Alkaline Electrolysis (ALK) electrolyzer need to be run for 7*24 hours to avoid energy consumption.

As technology is becoming more and more advanced, Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) will become as cheap as Alkaline Electrolysis (ALK) electrolyzer. At that time, PEM electrolyzer will possibly replace Alkaline electrolysis electrolyzer.

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